Advertising & Branding Industry Market Research

Competitive Intelligence, Business Analysis, Forecasts, Market Size, Trends, Companies, Statistics

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Advertising, Branding & Marketing OVERVIEW

The size of the advertising market is difficult to assess and estimates by analysts vary to some degree.  This is partly because the final cost of advertising for any organization includes creative and agency costs; local branding and marketing efforts; public relations; catalogs, brochures and other printed matter; the creation and maintenance of web sites, email campaigns and social media campaigns; and myriad other components, in addition to expenses for media.  Numbers that are available for analysis and comparison are generally limited to actual spending on media, such as radio, TV, billboards and paid search or online advertising.  Even these numbers are often educated guesses.  Estimates of ad spending may include spending at both local and national media outlets, as well as spending on internet media via paid search and online ads.
In recent years, ads on social media sites have been added to the media spending mix.  Another important development has been the use of data mining and predictive analytics to study patterns of consumer media use in order to place ads, especially digital ads, in front of the best possible audience for a particular ad.  For example, Facebook enables the advertiser to drill deep into consumer demographics, tastes, habits and locales in order to have ads appear to highly niched groups.  Short-form video sharing site TikTok has soaring advertising revenues.

2023–2024 Advertising Media Spending
On a global basis, global spending on advertising media, including digital, search, outdoor, TV/radio, print, etc., was forecast by analysts at Magna Global to reach $874 billion for 2023 and $914 billion for 2024.  Magna Global’s numbers are well respected.  Nonetheless, the reader should keep in mind that estimates of the total size of the advertising market vary widely from source-to-source.  (The U.S. accounts for approximately 25% of global expenditures, but this number varies considerably, depending on whether or not it is an election year.)

     Emerging economies have been seen as outstanding advertising markets for the long term, due to rapid improvements in household incomes, consumer spending and business investment, along with the continuing spread of media access via consumer electronics ranging from smartphones to flat-screen TVs.  Both the online audience and the level of sophistication in online advertising continue to increase dramatically.  Advertisers large and small have made the internet a very significant part of their advertising strategies.  Digital advertising spending accounts for about two-thirds of all ad media spending worldwide, as of 2024.
Advertising is irrevocably linked to media, whether traditional media like the 15,380 broadcast radio stations in America (about $11.9 billion in annual revenues for 2023); 2,139 commercial broadcast TV stations (60.38 billion in 2023 revenue) plus myriad connected TVs (CTVs) such as smart TVs and gaming consoles (totaling about $24.6 billion in 2023 advertising revenues); or the approximately 1,100 daily newspapers (about $12.4 billion in annual advertising revenues).  The advertising sector also includes direct mail, at about $10.9 billion in the U.S.; magazines, at about $7.7 billion in 2023 revenues; and outdoor advertising, at about $8.73 billion.  In addition, there is significant activity in specialty and alternative advertising, everything from ballpoint pens printed with a message, to t-shirts, to small airplanes towing advertising banners.  Branding, marketing and public relations activities and services likewise generate billions of dollars in revenues.
Advertisers are faced with daunting new realities when considering the various media they might use to get their messages across.  Traditional media are losing control over their audiences.  That means that advertisers can no longer feel secure that their ads on TV, on the radio or in print are going to receive mindshare.  Gone are the days when television and radio programmers enjoyed captive audiences over a handful of networks, people who happily sat through ad after ad, or planned their schedules around favorite shows.  Consumers, especially consumers in younger demographics, now demand more and more control over what they watch, read and listen to, and thus more control over the advertising they might be exposed to.
Issues and Options Related to Control and Pricing of Entertainment Content:
=         Free, advertising-supported content versus content accessed only by paying subscribers
=         “Sponsored” content paid for by one company, as opposed to traditional content supported by a variety of advertisers
=         Illegal downloads of content versus authorized downloads that were purchased or subscribed to by the consumer
=         Paid, one-time downloads of content for permanent use, versus one-time pay-per-view, versus continuing subscription required to view
=         Portability (including the ability for a consumer to download once, and then use a file on multiple platforms and devices such as smartphones and tablets)
=         Delayed viewing or listening (such as Video-on-Demand, or viewing TV programming at the consumer’s convenience via recording devices such as TiVo)
Source: Plunkett Research, Ltd.
Nonetheless, for advertisers willing to adapt to today’s rapidly evolving environment, there is good news.  Effective advertising today targets consumers based on things they are passionate about, rather than merely their tendency to watch network TV on Friday night, or their age or household income bracket.  That is, the increasing range of niche media now available enables carefully crafted messages to be designed for, and delivered to, specific consumer “passionate interest groups.”  
For example, consumers who read Bon Appétit magazine (gourmet food and lifestyle coverage), watch the Food Network on cable TV and hold Platinum American Express cards are likely to respond to messages that are centered on dining and entertaining well.  Obviously, a niche campaign could be created around direct mail or email to these upscale credit card holders, reinforced by print ads in the magazine (plus digital ads on the magazine’s web site) and cable TV ads on the Food Network.  This is a target marketer’s dream come true.  The product might be fine wines or Viking ranges, but it could just as easily be ads featuring Lexus luxury automobiles shown being used to bring home gourmet food ingredients, drive to a gourmet restaurant or arrive at the Aspen Food & Wine Festival.  The campaign might be topped off with special ads on social media, or an online contest on the Epicurious gourmet foods web site (, and links to special offers, contests, how-to-cook streaming video demonstrations or useful news on the advertiser’s own web site.
Blogs, interactive magazines in the form of apps, social networks like Facebook, cable TV programming on-demand and smartphone-based entertainment are booming.  Never in history have there been so many unique opportunities for targeted marketing based on consumers’ tastes, interests, locations, special needs and passions.  In fact, asking consumers to respond by going to a specific web page makes advertising truly trackable and results-based—long the holy grail of marketers.
Cutting-edge cable TV technology makes television advertising directed at specific neighborhoods possible for the first time—a boon to advertising by local retailers, local services and political candidates.  Interactive television services are growing rapidly, leading to new opportunities for direct selling via TV.  With interactive cable TV, subscribers can order movies on demand and other unique services.  They also have the ability to respond to direct sales offers via their cable systems.  For example, viewers watching a pay-per-view music concert may be able to order souvenirs such as t-shirts via interactive cable.  Cable TV offers another unique advantage to direct sellers and other advertisers.  Since the cable system knows the address of the cable subscriber, that address information can be matched against demographic databases to create a unique profile of the subscriber based on likely household income, value and size of the home and other data.  Ads displayed by the cable system can then be custom tailored to match the viewer’s profile.  Equally important is the tendency that cable viewers have to browse and engage in social media on their smartphones while they watch TV.
A true sea change in the way that television is watched and used is occurring as consumers purchase internet-enabled television sets.  A direct link from the screen to a set-top box or other controller (such as a Raku unit interacting between Wi-Fi and the TV) to the internet means that interactive viewing has been brought to new levels.  It also means that the download and local storage of viewing content will be more convenient than ever.
This rapidly growing use of ads that are targeted to “passionate interest groups” is long past due.  A study by Yankelovich Partners found that two-thirds of Americans feel “constantly bombarded” by ads and nearly as many respondents felt that these ads have little or no relevance to them.
Today, electronic offerings such as digital video recorders (DVRs), video-on-demand (VOD) and digital music have vastly altered the way consumers enjoy entertainment.  People watch and listen according to their own desires and whims.  Miss the finale to a favorite television show?  Rent or buy it online or record it to watch later.  Interested in only one track from a recording artist’s new album?  Buy and download just the one song via the internet at iTunes.  Love a prime-time drama on a major network but hate commercials?  Record the show while ignoring the commercials with a DVR like Tivo.
The implications of these changes are staggering.  The business models upon which most media have traditionally run are becoming obsolete.  Revenue from advertisers is in jeopardy at traditional outlets, while advertising at new media, including online, is soaring.  Television programming schedules are losing relevance while electronic program guides are becoming more and more vital.  Media companies and the advertisers that rely on them are being forced to radically change, in order to deal with new technologies and new demands from consumers.  Network TV news, radio news and newspapers all find that they must compete fiercely against internet-based news content.
A large portion of sports programming migrated away from free broadcasts on TV onto paid cable channels and pay-per-view systems.  The latest change is the delivery of sports to subscribers who pay to watch sports on internet sites operated by the major leagues themselves.  MLB baseball in the U.S. is the most innovative league in this regard.  A rapidly growing number of sports fans are keeping up with teams and live game scores via smartphones.
Media platforms and ad delivery are evolving quickly.  Smartphones are now used for more and more entertainment and news purposes.  Game machines are going multipurpose with the ability to connect to the internet.  Broadband internet access to the home has grown to vast, mass-market numbers, while high-speed wireless connections are enhancing the use of entertainment and media on the go.  A serious evolution of access speeds and delivery methods will continue at a rapid-fire pace, and media companies will be forced to be more nimble than ever.  (One gigabyte download speeds are rapidly becoming available in many cities.)  As a result, more and more consumers are abandoning cable and satellite TV (along with their subscription fees) and shifting their watching to internet-based entertainment only, via platforms such as Hulu or Sling.  This practice is referred to as cord-cutting, and it is creating significant challenges for traditional cable tv providers.
In magazine publishing, some niche publications have been enjoying high advertising page counts.  Fashion magazines and bride’s magazines, for example, remain robust.  However, news magazines, business magazines and other broad interest publications have been losing advertising clients to the internet and are becoming thinner than ever.  Newspapers are finding it increasingly difficult to compete against internet news and advertising delivery rivals.  The most successful newspapers have very robust online platforms in addition to print.
Traditional radio broadcasting is suffering also, having trouble in attracting and keeping listeners for advertising-based radio programming, due to online music platforms such as Pandora and Spotify, as well platforms operated by Amazon and Apple.  Users of Pandora and Spotify may choose from free, advertising-supported music, or fee-based monthly subscriptions that are free of s ads.  Satellite-based radio via SiriusXM is also a major contender for listener market share.  Satellite radio requires special receivers, which are readily available to automobile owners.
This revolution in media delivery and consumption will continue to upend traditional media outlets, creating new opportunities for some businesses, and bankruptcy for others, while delivering ever-increasing choice and control to consumers.


Top Companies Profiled

The following is a partial listing for this industry. As a subscriber, you will have access to the leading companies and top growth companies. This includes publicly-held, private, subsidiary and joint venture companies, on a global basis as well as in the U.S.

Hundreds of Top Companies Profiled, Including:


Key Findings:

A complete market research report, including forecasts and market estimates, technologies analysis and developments at innovative firms within the Advertising & Branding Industry.  Gain vital insights that can help shape strategy for business development, product development and investments.


Key Features:

  • Business trends analysis
  • In-depth industry overview
  • Technology trends analysis
  • Forecasts
  • Spending, investment, and consumption discussions
  • In-depth industry statistics and metrics
  • Industry employment numbers
  • U.S. and Global Firms
  • Publicly held, Private and Subsidiaries
  • Executive Contacts
  • Revenues
  • For Public Companies: Detailed Financial Summaries

  • Statistical Tables


Additional Key Features Include:

Industry Glossary 

Industry Contacts list, including Professional Societies and Industry Associations

Profiles of industry-leading companies


Key Questions Answered Include:

  • How is the industry evolving?
  • How is the industry being shaped by new technologies?
  • How is demand growing in emerging markets and mature economies?
  • What is the size of the market now and in the future?
  • What are the financial results of the leading companies?
  • What are the names and titles of top executives?
  • What are the top companies and what are their revenues?

This feature-rich report covers competitive intelligence, market research and business analysis—everything you need to know about the Advertising & Branding Industry.

Plunkett Research Provides Unique Analysis of the Following Major Trends Affecting the Advertising & Branding Industry

  1. Introduction to the Advertising and Branding Industry

  2. Agencies Face Both Evolving Client Needs and Vast Changes in Media

  3. OpenAI (ChatGPT), StabilityAI, Anthropic (Claude) and Others Launch Impressive Tools that Generate Text, Art, Code and Smart ChatBots

  4. Digital & Search Advertising Soar/Amazon Becomes an Advertising Media Giant

  5. Programmatic Ad Buying Dominates the Digital Media Market

  6. Global Internet Market Tops 5.40 Billion Users/Ultrafast Broadband Expands, both Fixed and Wireless

  7. Television Ads Evolve to Face New Challenges, Formats and Online Competitors

  8. DVR Market Evolves/Time-Shifting Hurts Advertisers

  9. Embedded Advertising/Product Placement/Branded Entertainment and Marketing Soar

  10. Social Media Rakes in Global Online and Ad Revenues

  11. Email Reigns as One of the Single Most Effective Advertising Tools

  12. Newspapers and Magazines Rely on Digital Editions and Apps

  13. Billboards Go Digital

  14. Location-Based Services (LBS) Enhance Smartphones and Mobile Advertising

  15. Private Label Brands Grow in Share of Total Store Sales

  16. LOHAS-Socially Conscious Consumers Create Challenges and Opportunities for Advertisers and Marketers

  17. Growth in China’s Ad Market

  18. Growth in Big Data Supported by Expansion of Cloud Computing and Predictive Analytics

  19. Retail Technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advance for Store Checkout and Restaurant Orders

  20. Online Marketing, Social Media and Ecommerce Enable Startups/Disruption in Consumer Products and Cosmetics

  21. Regulatory Environment Is Challenging for Online Businesses & Social Media

Plunkett Research Provides In-Depth Tables for the Following Advertising & Branding Industry Statistics

  1. Advertising & Branding Industry Statistics and Market Size Overview

  2. Estimated U.S. Advertising Sector Revenues by NAICS Code: 2015-2022

  3. Advertising Agencies, Public Relations Agencies & Direct Mail Advertising: Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2017-2022

  4. Employment in Advertising & Related Industries, U.S.: January of 1990-2024

  5. Internet Publishing & Broadcasting & Web Search Portals: Estimated Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2017-2022

  6. Newspaper Publishers: Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2017-2022

  7. Periodical Publishers: Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2017-2022

  8. Radio Networks & Radio Stations: Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2017-2022

  9. Television Broadcasting: Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2017-2022

  10. Cable & Other Subscription Programming: Estimated Sources of Revenue & Expenses, U.S.: 2017-2022

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This industry onlyPublication date: May 2024
ISBN-13: 978-1-64788-527-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-64788-035-4